Provincial Partnerships
Forging provincial alliances to enhance public safety, build community resilience, and work together towards a sustainable future.
Stop Hate AB
Given the recent attention to hate-related incidents in Alberta, there is a significant need to document these incidents. The purpose of the #STOPHATEAB website is to fill this gap and create a space to document.
Centre for Newcomers
Since 1988 the Centre for Newcomers (CFN) has been a key resource for immigrants and refugees of all nationalities in Calgary. A social profit organization, CFN views the integration of newcomers as a two-way process of experience, influence and impact between newcomers and the communities that welcome them.
Islamic Family
Islamic Family uplifts the Muslim community and beyond through compassion, support, and advocacy.
British Columbia
Attorney General's Office of BC
Online Harms Subject Matter Experts for British Columbia: Working in partnership with the Attorney General's Office of BC, we provide expertise on online harms.
Resilience B.C. Network (Ministry of the Attorney General)
First Official Faith Community Convener for British Columbia. We are honored to be the first Official Faith Community Convener in British Columbia, partnering with Resilience B.C. under the Office of the Attorney General.
BC's Office of the Human Rights Commissioner
BC Human Rights Commission Community Convener: We collaborate with the BC Human Rights Commission to facilitate community dialogues and promote human rights.
SACH - South Asian Community Hub
Workting together to provide essencial serives to all Canadians. Helping to bridge challenges within the South Asian Community.
Vancouver Foundation
Vancouver Foundation is inspired by community and works to benefit community. They work to connect generous donors with the energy, time, and ideas of inspired people across British Columbia.
British Columbia
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House
Immigrant Services Society of BC (ISSofBC)
YoBro | YoGirl Youth Initiative
First Nations Friendship Centres
BC First Nations Justice Council
MOSAIC Centre for Diversity
Coquitlam Public Library
Vantage Point
Metro Vancouver Alliance
BC Community Alliance
Out on Patrol
Miyazaki House Society
Filipino BC
Black in BC Aid
Somali Association of BC
Chinese Community Policing Centre
Frog Hollow Neighborhood House
Alexandra Neighbourhood House
Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood House
Gordon Neighbourhood House
Kitsilano Neighbourhood House
Marpole Neighbourhood House
Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House
Ummah Community Services Foundation
Ismaili Centre Vancouver
Al Jamia Masjid Vancouver
Az Zahraa Islamic Centre
Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver
Independent Jewish Voices
Temple Sholom Synagogue
Congregation Beth Israel
Or Shalom Synagogue
Vancouver Friends Standing together
Jewish Immigrant Aid Services (JIAS)
United Church of Canada
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver
Anglican Diocese of New Westminster
St Andrew's Wesley United Church
Christ Church Cathedral
Moving Forward Family Services
St Thomas Anglican Church
St Augustine's Anglican Church
Peace Church
Sikhs on Campus
Ross st Temple Khalsa Diwan Society
Khalsa Aid
Engaged Communities
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Muslim Foodbank and Community Services (MFBCS)
Microsoft Student Ambassador for UBC
Nora Hendrix Place | Hogan’s Ally Society
Global Shapers Vancouver