Youth at MacNeill Secondary School for Professional Development Day

Feb 16, 2024

We recently hosted two profoundly impactful sessions for 300 teachers at MacNeill Secondary School in Richmond during a Professional Development Day. These sessions were meticulously designed to equip educators with essential tools and insights necessary to foster an inclusive and anti-racist environment in their classrooms. Through engaging discussions and the application of evidence-based strategies, the teachers were empowered to address systemic racism effectively and cultivate a high level of cultural competence. This initiative is a significant stride toward furthering our work in promoting understanding and collaboration across diverse communities and marks a pivotal step in creating a more inclusive educational landscape in British Columbia.

We actively engage with a diverse array of communities, including Jewish, Indigenous, Black, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, and Asian/Buddhist groups. This inclusive approach helps bridge gaps between different racial, religious, and cultural lines, effectively breaking down community silos.